• Food,  Hawaii

    What to Eat in Kauai with Kids

    There’s so much to enjoy in Kauai…the beach, the ocean, the canyons, the mountains, the people. Not to be forgotten, though, is the food! Like any travel junkies we experience our destinations via food. Kauai did not disappoint. Here were our favorites: Acai bowls   Acai berries are a reddish, purple fruit from the acai palm tree. It’s touted as a superfood rich in antioxidants. Frozen and blended acai makes the perfect base for a smoothie bowl. The Kauai touch is toppings of macadamia nuts, fresh coconut, bananas, berries, papaya. Drizzle on peanut butter, freshly made granola and you cannot have a better experience. Our absolute favorite spot was Kalalea…

  • Food,  Japan,  Ohio/Local

    Cat Cafe: From Tokyo to Cleveland

    Most kids love animals and E, B and A are no exception. E especially adores animals and is so tender with them. Ever since she was a little thing she has been loving to all creatures. I remember a black beetle-looking bug got into her kiddie pool and she named it “Mr. Shiny.” That bugger ended up pinching her during it’s rescue from drowning. And don’t forget the cockroach she played with at our rental on North Captiva Island. She never saw a bird, a pooch, a squirrel, etc that she didn’t love. And then we got our own two fuzzle pets and it’s clear she’s the favorite. We knew…

  • Food

    6 Tips To Prepare Kids To Eat Abroad

    Not convinced your kids can eat in a foreign country? Here are some ideas to get them ready:     skip the kids menu. I know it’s convenient and cheap but it’s also monotonous, predictable, boring and usually unhealthy. Encourage your kids to pick something off the main menu when you dine out. We often have the kids share an adult entree. It expands their taste buds! Keep it cost effective by bringing home leftovers to eat later. We have a rule that if we are eating at a ethnic restaurant the kids have to order within the specialties.                      …

  • Food,  Japan

    What my kids ate in Japan

    I have heard it before: “Oh, you went to Japan? But, what did your kids eat?” I get it. Kids can be picky. And no one wants to feel like their kid is starving on vacation. Like so many aspects of traveling with littles, it’s so much about your attitude.  Instead of letting foreign cuisine worry us, we embrace it! And guess what!? Our kids won’t starve! I promise. Our philosophy is, we will offer local food and hope they take a liking to it. And if not, oh well! We can always find some fruit, a version of bread, etc from a local store to fill their tummies. What…