• Iceland

    South Iceland with Kids- KEF to VIK

    Hello! It’s time to share details of our recent trip to Iceland. I was weirdly hesitant to go back to a place we’ve already traveled. That’s just not us! We like to explore new places and try new things! But, Iceland just pulled us back. First of all, it’s really just magical enough to warrant a second trip. Secondly, the stars just aligned- right price, right time, right flights. I figured if you want to travel as much as possible, you have to go with what works. Of course I ended up learning that no two trips are the same. We had a spectacular experience. This trip we wanted to devote…

  • Philadelphia

    Southwest Center City Philadelphia: Our Perfect Day

    Philly!!!  It pains me a little to think that I would write about Philadelphia as a part of my travels. I still hold onto it as a place to live, not travel to.  The hubby and I lived here from 2007 to 2011 and it remains as one of the best parts of our lives. Hello young and in love! Probably a main reason for our deep fondness is we welcomed our first little baby into the world during our time in the city of brotherly love.   Without a doubt we fell in love with Philadelphia and find our way back here at least once a year. Our favorite…

  • Japan


    I hate the part of the planning process when you realize there’s so much to see and you don’t have enough time. There’s never enough time! There’s always more to see. Japan is no exception. Tokyo! Kyoto! Hiroshima! Osaka! Then you dig deep into research and you’re all: Hakone! Kamakura! Nara! Nagano!   If you’ve got no timeline and endless funds then perhaps you won’t feel as limited, but that’s not our reality. So, how do we decide what to see? First, we accept that we won’t see everything. We aren’t 22 year olds who back pack and see ten destinations in as many days. Second, we pick a home…

  • Food

    6 Tips To Prepare Kids To Eat Abroad

    Not convinced your kids can eat in a foreign country? Here are some ideas to get them ready:     skip the kids menu. I know it’s convenient and cheap but it’s also monotonous, predictable, boring and usually unhealthy. Encourage your kids to pick something off the main menu when you dine out. We often have the kids share an adult entree. It expands their taste buds! Keep it cost effective by bringing home leftovers to eat later. We have a rule that if we are eating at a ethnic restaurant the kids have to order within the specialties.                      …

  • Food,  Japan

    What my kids ate in Japan

    I have heard it before: “Oh, you went to Japan? But, what did your kids eat?” I get it. Kids can be picky. And no one wants to feel like their kid is starving on vacation. Like so many aspects of traveling with littles, it’s so much about your attitude.  Instead of letting foreign cuisine worry us, we embrace it! And guess what!? Our kids won’t starve! I promise. Our philosophy is, we will offer local food and hope they take a liking to it. And if not, oh well! We can always find some fruit, a version of bread, etc from a local store to fill their tummies. What…

  • Japan

    3 Japan experiences with kids

    Whenever we are planning to jet off to a foreign land I take the lead on the plans. I love to do it (mostly).  And what’s most rewarding for me is that I learn so much in the planning that it enriches our experience once we arrive. Each trip-planning unveils new experiences, quirks, foods, places, customs that I know we have to try on our trip. Here are a few from Japan- ONSEN: this is a Japanese hot spring or bath often located in a traditional inn that is situated around a hot spring. These are part of Japan’s present and past because it is a volcanically active country. Not…

  • Japan

    Hakone Part 2

    Hakone was a lot to do in a day. You could easily stay the night at a ryokan (Japanese style inn) and take your time. But, we opted to pack it in. Although we did it all in one day, I couldn’t manage to fit it all in one post. If you missed it, check out Hakone Part 1. Here’s part two! After gliding across Lake Ashi for about 40 minutes we got off at Togendai-ko and made our way to the Hakone Ropeway. This was an amazing experience. Like so much of Japan, the process was very orderly and easy to understand. There was a long line but no…

  • Japan

    Hakone Part 1

    When we first started traveling with littles we found that the less movement required once arriving at far-away destination the better. So, we developed a strategy that we would set up a home base in the city of our choice and focus on really getting to know only that city. Obviously there are down sides to this strategy. Surely people think ~we’ve come all the way to this country and we have to see it all~. I get that mentality. But, with small babes we found that having multiple destinations added to the stress. I mean…transporting pack-n-plays and strollers and luggage and babies after you’ve already journeyed around the world?…

  • Japan


    Shibuya   It’s hard to imagine a Tokyo experience that does not include Shibuya. Even if you only have a few days in the city I would recommend at least a half day in this ward. And while this part of the city is known for fashion and business it’s a great place for kids. Like much of Tokyo, there’s a lot to look at in Shibuya. You can easily meander the streets to window shop, people watch, etc.                   Shibuya is easily accessible on the JR Yamanote line & several local lines. The station is quite large so pay attention to…

  • Japan


    Kicking off a series of Japan posts. I’m so excited because there is so much to share. If you’re intimidated to travel to Japan with kids DON’T BE. We had an amazing time and are already itching to go back.   Let’s dive in with one of our favorite areas of Tokyo (we went back for a second day): Harajuku.   Harajuku is super famous and even if you are just starting your research on your trip to Tokyo, you might be familiar with the Harajuku vibe (Gwen Stefani circa 2004, anyone? Am I dating myself?). Harajuku is new, young Tokyo & a place where teens come to shop, hang…