• Japan

    Samurai Experience in Kyoto

    Traveling with kids is a balance. When you’re ready to see the world with your littles you need to check your expectations. The pace two young adults sightsee looks a lot different than how a family of five sightsee. In some ways, though, it’s better. Kids will often make you take your time & soak in your surroundings instead of rushing off to the next. Also, having kids sometimes puts you in experiences you might have not chosen without them. We always prepare for a trip by learning about our destination and it can be surprising what the kids end up being intrigued by. For our Japan trip the kids…

  • Food,  Japan,  Ohio/Local

    Cat Cafe: From Tokyo to Cleveland

    Most kids love animals and E, B and A are no exception. E especially adores animals and is so tender with them. Ever since she was a little thing she has been loving to all creatures. I remember a black beetle-looking bug got into her kiddie pool and she named it “Mr. Shiny.” That bugger ended up pinching her during it’s rescue from drowning. And don’t forget the cockroach she played with at our rental on North Captiva Island. She never saw a bird, a pooch, a squirrel, etc that she didn’t love. And then we got our own two fuzzle pets and it’s clear she’s the favorite. We knew…

  • Hawaii

    Kauai Beaches with Keiki (Kids)

    There’s just nothing like a beach. Seriously, do people actually grow tired of seeing the ocean? Do people ho-hum over sand under foot and rolling waves crashing and retreating? I choose to believe such a person does not exist. I certainly don’t want to meet the person who is unimpressed with the beach.  And what’s more, the beach is one of those magical places that brings joy to kids and adults. Just like Chucky Cheese, right? Ha, joking of course. I steer clear of that germ laden cess pool but I’m sure my kids would like it.   Kauai is certainly a special place for many reasons, but I adore…